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Let's Sing Open Workshop
Calling All Men, Young and Old
Join us at Ballyclare High School for a morning workshop on Saturday, November 30, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Whether you're experienced or just starting out, this is a fantastic opportunity to find your voice alongside the talented singers of the Ballyclare Male Choir. No previous singing experience is necessary. Enjoy expert guidance from conductor Sheelagh Greer BEM in a fun and welcoming environment, with a cuppa included! To apply, please contact Les Simms: Email: [email protected] Phone: 07895 124566 |
Corrymeela Fundraising Concert
Save the Date for This Spectacular Fundraising Concert
Calling all music enthusiasts and supporters of Corrymeela. Please save the date and get ready for a fantastic evening of singing at McCracken Memorial Church on Malone Road, Belfast, Friday, 25th October. Ballyclare Male Choir will take to the stage with their conductor Sheelagh Greer BEM and accompanist for the evening Joanne Cruise, in support of Corrymeela. The concert will also feature soloist Alexandra Dick: A rising star with a BA Hons in Musical Theatre from ArtsED in London (class of 2020). Her credits include captivating roles like Kate in ‘Wild Party’ and Enid in ‘Legally Blonde.’ And to pull it all together the seasoned compere Gene Fitzpatrick will provide some light hearted moments to put a smile on everyone's face. Not only will you enjoy an enchanting musical experience, but your presence also supports Corrymeela who each year supports around 7,500 people, mainly from marginalised communities, to explore differences and discover ways to live well together. Tickets at £12.50 - available here Corrymeela: [email protected] | Tel: 028 2076 2626 McCracken Memorial: [email protected]. |
Most Stand out Piece!
Ballyclare Male Choir was delighted to be invited to take part in the 2024 Charles Wood Festival Community Day. It was a great experience for the choir, made even better by receiving an award for The Most Stand Out Piece for their performance of When the Saints. Congratulations to all involved and a great result for the choir.
Sheelagh Greer BEM
The members of Ballyclare Male Choir are thrilled to congratulate our recently appointed Conductor (and former Accompanist) Sheelagh Greer on her recognition by His Majesty the King (in his 2024 birthday honours list) with the award of a British Empire Medal for her services to music. This is richly deserved and long overdue. Sheelagh has dedicated her life to ‘music for all’ and constantly shares her passion and enthusiasm with all those who are fortunate to work with her. This recognition follows her previous awards for ‘Mighty Woman in Music’ in 2019 and also in 2022 when Sheelagh was recognised by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council with a ‘Centenary Citizen's Award’ for her services to music in the community. Congratulations Sheelagh! |
Charles Wood Festival - Summer 2024

We are delighted to start our season earlier than usual this year having been invited to take part in the Choir Community Day as part of the Charles Wood Festival on Saturday 17th August 2024 in Armagh. This is an exciting engagement for our choir and we are honoured to be part of this prestigious event.
Charity Presentation at AGM

Our Chairman, Dick Grey, was delighted to be able to present this cheque to Colin Bell from the 'Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust' at the start of our AGM on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.
The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the body (bodies) of loved one(s) who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances back to Ireland.
KBRT was founded out of a family tragedy when, in June 2013, Kevin Bell died suddenly in New York. Following an outpouring of support from Kevin’s friends, family and colleagues, a significant amount of funds were raised to repatriate his remains back to Ireland. As a permanent legacy to Kevin, the Bell family decided to use the funds to establish a charity to help other families who find themselves in a similar situation. Help comes in the form of financial support as well as advice and guidance on getting the remains of loved ones home as soon as possible. During the last 11 years, 1850 families have been supported by the trust.
The amount raised and presented is the result of our weekly contribution to the Chairman’s Charity throughout our choir season.
The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust aims to alleviate the financial hardship of bereaved families repatriating the body (bodies) of loved one(s) who have died abroad in sudden or tragic circumstances back to Ireland.
KBRT was founded out of a family tragedy when, in June 2013, Kevin Bell died suddenly in New York. Following an outpouring of support from Kevin’s friends, family and colleagues, a significant amount of funds were raised to repatriate his remains back to Ireland. As a permanent legacy to Kevin, the Bell family decided to use the funds to establish a charity to help other families who find themselves in a similar situation. Help comes in the form of financial support as well as advice and guidance on getting the remains of loved ones home as soon as possible. During the last 11 years, 1850 families have been supported by the trust.
The amount raised and presented is the result of our weekly contribution to the Chairman’s Charity throughout our choir season.
Appointment of Conductor

Following a unanimous decision by the full membership of Ballyclare Male Choir, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Sheelagh Greer as our Conductor.
Sheelagh has been our Accompanist and Deputy Conductor for over eleven years and we are looking forward to the wealth of experience, enthusiasm and energy she will bring to this position. She holds many awards for her contribution to music in the province and we are fortunate that in her busy career, she has committed herself to the choir for the foreseeable future.
She has had a lifetime association with this choir as her Daddy, Hubert Greer, was a member for over forty years, having recently retired. Sheelagh attended and followed choir events with interest from a very young age.
We congratulate her on accepting this position and know that she will drive forward the quality of sound and bring new challenges musically. A new chapter in this great choir's long history is about to begin and we couldn't be more excited about that!
Sheelagh has been our Accompanist and Deputy Conductor for over eleven years and we are looking forward to the wealth of experience, enthusiasm and energy she will bring to this position. She holds many awards for her contribution to music in the province and we are fortunate that in her busy career, she has committed herself to the choir for the foreseeable future.
She has had a lifetime association with this choir as her Daddy, Hubert Greer, was a member for over forty years, having recently retired. Sheelagh attended and followed choir events with interest from a very young age.
We congratulate her on accepting this position and know that she will drive forward the quality of sound and bring new challenges musically. A new chapter in this great choir's long history is about to begin and we couldn't be more excited about that!
2023/24 Season
Annual Concert
The choir is delighted to once again be returning to Theatre at the Mill in Newtownabbey for the 2024 Annual Concert on Saturday 20 April.
Conductor Sheelagh Greer Accompanist: Mark McGrath Special guests: Ballyclare High School Chamber Choir and Soloists Dynamic Brass |
Centenary Citizen Recognition

Congratulations to Sheelagh Greer (our Accompanist and Deputy Conductor) who has formally been recognised by Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council as a 'Centenary Citizen' in recognition of her contribution to music in the local community and beyond.
Sheelagh works tirelessly with an infectious enthusiasm, utilising her passion for her work to engage and enthuse others, both individually and in choral groups. She is constantly seeking new and diverse ways to make learning enjoyable whilst at the same time expecting the highest of standards.
We are all very proud of Sheelagh for gaining this recognition for her incredible work.
The portrait shown is displayed in the Oriel Galley of Clotworthy House in Antrim Castle Gardens, where Sheelagh received the award from the Mayor on Wednesday 19th July 2023.
Sheelagh works tirelessly with an infectious enthusiasm, utilising her passion for her work to engage and enthuse others, both individually and in choral groups. She is constantly seeking new and diverse ways to make learning enjoyable whilst at the same time expecting the highest of standards.
We are all very proud of Sheelagh for gaining this recognition for her incredible work.
The portrait shown is displayed in the Oriel Galley of Clotworthy House in Antrim Castle Gardens, where Sheelagh received the award from the Mayor on Wednesday 19th July 2023.